Our Young Yogi Mindful Massage Classes
Also options for 1-2-1 sessions
Group sessions - Perhaps as an NCT group
Nursery & Schools
Options are available on application click here
Learn about classes for older children click here
Please enquire so we can get the right class for you and your little one!

In Person Class
Happy Baby Massage Classes
The Nurturing baby massage class follow the Birthlight Training. The classes are relaxed and fun and include a progression of massage techniques for parents to use with your little one and gentle exercises for parents and babies, with rhymes and songs. This is a safe environment which brings parents of new-borns together to share experiences and feelings with no judgement or criticism. We look at babies cues and how to recognise and support the baby’s needs. There is also a focus on relaxation and breathing for the parent as well.
This class can be repeated until the baby is moving. The cost of the first course includes a small bottle of massage oil and a guide book.

In person classes
Mountain Class
These classes are for babies 12 weeks– 2 Years (18 months). We practice still positive touch combined with dry massage, a progression from the Happy Baby class. We have gentle stretches and breathing exercises for parents and we integrate simple yoga moves for babies and progress these and match level and age to the babies needs. We do this through song and by watching the baby cues.
For single class - enquire or message

In person classes
Tree Class
These are Tots sessions from 2 and a half years to pre-school age/walkers onwards.
We use song, stories and movement to provide yoga for parent and child. We usually have a theme each week from food, animals, dinosaurs and space, our imaginations can run wild! Yoga is a great tool for stretching little bodies and minds. We also build in time for relaxation.
Classes are in termly blocks unless otherwise stated
For single class - enquire or message