coffee, pen, notebook

The Eve before

So I have some exciting news to share with you soon…… but I am not ready to share it just yet!

It was a late night last night trying to establish the blog onto my website!!! Nothing is ever simple! As I delve more and more into the world of social media, I feel my computer skills keep letting me down, and I need to be able to do things much quicker than I can. The responsibilities of being a mum and running a business keep me extremely busy!

So for a day where I feel I will be working myself up to high stress levels, I have applied my balance deodorant (no nasty chemicals), as I need to calm myself and feel grounded for the day ahead, lots to think about. Tomorrow is my day to be showcased by ‘The Big Support.’ The aim of the campaign is to showcase small businesses that are run by MILSPO (Military Spouses, Partners, other-halves network). I have commented every day on each small businesses (30 businesses one for each day of May) and if you go to #thebigsupport #thebigsupportmilspo you can see my business and hopefully like, share, and comment, but also look at the many other wonderful small businesses showcased this month!

Citrus bliss is definitely needed for today in the family diffuser, located in the kitchen. I need Its uplifting effect as I have a long list of jobs to do! Let’s hope I can get the website ready for tomorrow and make sure this blog is starting to take shape!

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