Scrolling through Netflix, I am wanting something to watch. We’ve moved countries (more about that in later blogs), and as always, while scrolling through, I am interested in holistic approaches to health and wellness, and concerned about sustainability and I see Zac Efron, in a program called ‘Down to Earth’.
It is about natural approaches to health as well as investigating different countries approaches to try to develop ways to live In a sustainable way to save our world, and the healthy traditions they have. With the Covid crises, one interesting part to note was when the world stood still, the levels of pollution, amongst other things, diminished and the world seemed to almost start healing. We need to be conscious of the toxins and unnatural products that are leading to ill health as well as environmental concerns.
Darin Olien is Co-presenter with Zac, and from this series I was keen to read his book Super-life, which I am reading at the moment (because of seeing all the elements to health and wellness In the series!) What amazing things our bodies are, we just need to nurture our natural responses with nature.
I really enjoyed the program, my husband initially not wanting to watch a Hollywood star, really enjoyed the elements to the program, it was not what he was expecting, very informative and eye opening.
To me, essential oils were the start of my health and wellness journey, they are a great way of supporting the body, and they continue as a big part of my families health and wellness routines. I believe they are integrated in a holistic approach and we need to think about many things to try and live well; sustainable ways, promoting our health and wellness and to be happy, hence the reason I investigate many ways to be healthier and happier. Just fitting on a couple of cycling sessions a week has already lifted my mood. Essential oils can help with this too, and I love working out with Air (minty and invigorating) or a citrus oil to help with the motivation! (There is also an oil called Motivate!)
Please check out the program as it’s such an important topic with looking after our world. I plan to share more things I’ve learnt and experienced since watching the show in the nest few blogs.